Using the power Shared Parameters to enhance your model and your documentation.
All Revit Families have built-in Parameters that allow us to add data to our Project and then leverage it during BIM Collaboration and in our documentation. The basic hard-wired Parameters will only get you so far though and if you want to add data to supplement the default information for a specific Project or to enhance your documentation, then Shared-Parameters are the only way to efficiently do this.
We’ll have a look at how to create Shared Parameters and then how to add them to Component Families. On top of that we’ll go through the process of adding Shared Parameters into your System Families such as Model objects, Detail elements and even Views.
Once we’ve inserted Shared Parameters into our Models, we can further leverage them to use them in Schedules and even create Tags to show the Parameter values in our working drawings.
We’ll look at some considerations when using Shared Parameters in your practice and lastly, we’ll have a look at standardised Shared Parameter systems that you might want to consider using in future Projects.
Join Mark Kelly from Cadgroup for a webinar where we’ll cover all this in a live demonstration.
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