
Over 30,000+ Design Professionals Save Time and Money With KobiLabs Toolkits.

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Over 30,000+ Design Professionals Save Time and Money With KobiLabs Toolkits.

Cadgroup is the proud exclusive reseller of Kobilabs tools in Australia. 


Cadgroup Australia’s Revit.XT tools are a series of add-ins for Autodesk Revit (Architecture, Structure and MEP). The tools are able to extend the capabilities of the Revit project in various key areas. They are easy to use and make work with Revit easier and more effective.


Cadgroup’s Civil.XT is a collection of professional Civil Engineering Software Tools for AutoCAD Civil 3D. The collection contains several roadway design, earthworks and road signage features that expand and improve the capabilities of AutoCAD Civil 3D, making it more powerful and easy to use.


Cadgroup Toolkit for AutoCAD is a set of essential productivity plug-ins that will make your work in AutoCAD fast, easy and efficient. These tools will dramatically reduce the number of tedious tasks and help you focus on your engineering challenges.

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