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Creating Custom Photorealistic Materials in Revit.

When you’re presenting your Revit design to key stakeholders, you need your model to look compelling and true to reality.
Getting the form of the model is one thing, but getting the way the materials look in your presentations can be challenging. Photorealistic Materials are a key element getting people’s attention and selling a solution through presentation.

Join Mark from Cadgroup as he demonstrates how to efficiently create and manipulate Photorealistic Materials in Revit.
We’ll start off by looking at the theory behind photorealistic Materials and check out the basic building blocks of how Materials are defined.
Next up, we’ll examine some of the built-in library of Materials that ship with Revit and see how you can load them and adjust them if required.
We’ll then look at how you can create new bespoke Materials that match as closely as possible a real-world material that we need to recreate.
And we’ll finish off by looking at our spiffy new Materials in real-time renders to see how they look.