
PlantExpressTools from CadStudio is a must-have set of utilities to assist Autodesk plant project administrators in common tasks not easily accomplished in AutoCAD P&ID and AutoCAD Plant 3D. Import/Export Selection Lists, Rename/Copy Project, Coordinates function and Update Tags/Acquisition rules.

Import/Export Selection Lists:
Autodesk did a good job with the configurability of AutoCAD P&ID and AutoCAD Plant 3D. However, managing the content of project selection lists can be time-consuming and frustrating. Our utility allows users to import, edit, and export selection lists from XLS/CSV files. The Import/Export Selection Lists function reduces time for list administration to a fraction of what it is without it.

Rename/Copy Project:
Once a project is set up, attempting to rename or copy the project is very difficult without PlantExpressTools’s Rename/Copy Project function. A project configuration has the project name and location embedded into its configuration files. Rename/Copy Project makes renaming and copying projects simple. Using an intuitive dialog, Rename/Copy Project rewrites the embedded information creating a ready for production new project or renaming an existing project.
AutoCAD P&ID and AutoCAD Plant 3D enable users to create new projects based on existing projects without copying existing drawings, models, or data from the source project. Using Rename/Copy Project to copy a project will copy the entire project to a new project, where it can then be renamed and reused to begin a new project without losing any data or connectivity.

Coordinates function:
With the Coordinates function in PlantExpressTools, users can add additional data properties to each symbol that carries a configurable grid location. These grid location values can be used in reports and make it easier to locate each object on its drawing during project team meetings or discussions.

Update Tags/Acquisition rules:
AutoCAD P&ID and AutoCAD Plant 3D don’t always update Tags and acquisition rules properly. With Plant ExpressTools you can update tags and acquisitions within your drawing or the whole project by the click of a button.

Anyone who has worked with AutoCAD P&ID or AutoCAD Plant 3D will immediately recognize the power of PlantExpressTools.
Detailed technical information and installation instructions can be found HERE…
A 30 days trial version of PlantExpressTools can be found HERE…

PlantExpressTools Video

Plant Tools brochure…_06-11-14_2.pdf

PlantTools Overview Video