Revit.XT 2017 build released.

Revit.XT 2017 is here!

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2017 build of Revit.XT for Revit. This build as always contains the current version and the 3 previous versions (2016, 2015 and 2014).

This is a subscription only benefit for Cadgroup customers. For those of you who have not taken advantage of this free and amazing set of tools for Revit, please contact your account manager to arrange a serial number and a download.

Revit.XT 2017 incorporates several new features that further enhance your productivity and ability to manipulate and interrogate the Revit model.

Mode-less Filter:

The filter tool in Revit.XT has always been a very powerful way to grab multiple items in the model and then filter out items that you want to keep selected in a very precise way – contrast this to the ability to only select entire categories in stock Revit. As a result of our customer feedback, the new build allows you to apply a selection filter and apply it without exiting the tool. That means you can see the end result of the new filter and un-apply it if needs be prior to exiting the tool.

The tool allows you to arrange the selected items using a number of criteria such as Workset, Level or even apply a search to only display items containing your choice of characters. Once you’ve cleared or added the required items, click on the refresh button in the bottom to apply (or test) the selection.

QA/QC Tags:

If you activate the tool, once you have chosen a category, you have a choice of selected all untagged instances of items, all tagged instances and also the ability to select all tagged instances along with their tags.

Reload Families:

The reload families tool is a new addition to the Content Admin Kit section of Revit.XT.

This tool will be very useful to BIM or Revit Model Managers that have the task of reloading or loading multiple files en-mass into an active project.

Simply select a location and filter by category if required. Finally you can chooses to overwrite just the family definition or both the parameter values and the definition.

Family Report Tool:

The last new feature is also aimed at Model Managers and content creators.

It allows you to create a report of all Families loaded into a Project or even in a network location to examine their parameters and usage in detail.

You can export the results in a Spreadsheet format.

Interestingly this is a very quick way to reveal what shared / nested Families are currently being used in your Project as this condition will be reported at the bottom of the list.