Best practices for transitioning Revit Cloud Worksharing projects before the end-of-life for BIM 360 Team
Important information for customers with legacy BIM360 Teams Projects: |
Autodesk began the end-of-life process for BIM 360 Team products in September 2021. As they near the finalization of this process on December 31, it is highly recommend transferring any data you wish to preserve access to beyond the end-of-life phase. For detailed information about data migration options and the comprehensive schedule, please refer to this FAQ.
If your project contains Revit models under active development (using RCW workflows), please see the article “How to move a Revit cloud workshared model from BIM 360 Team to Autodesk Docs.”
If your project is being used as an archive and its Revit models are no longer under active development, please see the article “How to archive BIM 360 Team project data?” and note the guidance specific to Revit Cloud Worksharing.
We recommend that you take these practices under advisement and discuss them with your teams. If you have any questions related to this email or the end-of-life process for BIM 360 Team, please review the FAQ or contact support.