Architectural Model 3D Print project – Kicking things off.

As part of Cadgroup Australia becoming a 3D printing solutions provider, we are embarking on a number of projects to demonstrate the possible uses of the technology to you.

As part of my role in AEC Solutions I have been preparing a Revit model and 3D printing it. I was able to use my experience from my previous 3D printing project from last year.

3D printing is of course a very powerful technology that allows us to create scaled representations of complex forms.

In this case I choose a fairly simple model based on a real project that I had designed and documented in Revit.

Part 1 just came off the printer bed this morning after buzzing away all night. It will be great to see how it all comes together.

Part 1 – The rear printed piece.
Part 1 – The segmented piece in Revit

We are planning to run sessions on the process of how to effectively prepare your 3D model and then finally best practice and tips on process of printing it.

Like any new technology there will be a learning curve and Cadgroup is happy to pass on out knowledge to our customers. More details to follow………

Have fun.