macOS Catalina – hold off and check before you upgrade!!!
New Shiny things!
It’s always nice to be on the cutting edge with the latest wiz-bang features. Catalina offers some really cool features but we’d strongly encourage you to at least hold off for a period of time before doing the upgrade.
Resellers and software vendors across the world are getting hit with support queries from software users after they’ve upgraded to Catalina and have now found that their software has stopped working or certain functions have stopped working correctly. The good news is that one of the features of Catalina is the ability to roll-back to the previous version of the OS so it’s not all doom and gloom.
Some of our customers who are using Parallels and Revu for MAC have contacted us to report issues. And we’ve also seen some reports of Autocad for MAC being affected. In addition, we’ve seen Adobe software and anti-virus app’s suffering the same fate though and one Twitter member has compiled a list of 235 applications that have been identified so far. There will be many other app’s installed on your work machines that might be affected and most will be mission critical.
What to do?
Our advice is to check on the websites of any software vendor that supplies your mission critical software. Bluebeam, as an example has a webpage that contains a knowledgebase article about the issue and the steps that they are taking to fix it – it will be updated as soon as the fix comes out.
If you or someone else in your company has updated to Catalina and you’ve experiencing the issues we’ve been talking about, you should be able to roll back to the previous OS. Here is an article from a reputable source on the process – Roll back from Catalina – we’d recommend you get some assistance from your IT people if you don’t feel confident about this!