Revu 20.1 has been released – read about the new features here.
Revu 20.1 is officially here:
If you’re a Revu user then you might have received an email or even seen a pop up inside Revu to let you know that 20.1 has been released.
We encourage our Cadgroup customers to install the new build and have a look at the new features if they haven’t done so already.
The “.1” update is a mid-cycle update to add new features and act on customer requests. And being the young and fast on their feet company that they are, they respond quickly to feedback from their users.
So without any further ado, here is the list of major features and enhancements:
Enhanced Sharepoint Security:
If you’re not a Sharepoint user then this might not have much significance to your operations. If you are using Sharepoint and especially if you want to use the Cloud based version then this is big news. The newer authentication protocol and the new Revu Sharepoint Integration App’ allows users to open PDF documents from Sharepoint securely on any web browser.
Revu Sharepoint Enhancements in 20.1
Bluebeam Studio Session Member login enhancements:
In what might seem like a minor tweak, users now have to log in using their Password before joining a Studio Session. This means that people who’ve left a Studio Session or Project and/or your organisation will not be able to get into the session.
And related to that topic, Admins now have the ability to securely reassign markup ownership when a collaborator permanently leaves a Session, saving time and reducing confusion in the process. New owners will also receive an email alerting them to their new status. Changes in ownership will be noted in the Session record and can be included in summaries and reports.
Markup Enhancements – notifications on replies.
If you are collaborating with others using Revu then you’ll really want to make use of the ability to assign Markups to people on your team. The back and forth process of creating and responding to assigned Markups just got a lot better. Revu 20.1 now has a visual indicator that will appear on Markups that have replies, in the Markups list and next to the Markup itself, so you’re always aware when comments require your attention. Clicking this icon will take you directly to the replies in the Markups list, or you can hover over the icon to see a preview of the reply.
There is another enhancement to Markups where you can now automatically apply any Markup to a range of Sheets using a custom range of pages or to all Even, Odd, Landscape, or Portrait pages.
More on the topic of Markups, when you are placing several markups, you’ll now see a progress bar so you can track the process.
And finally, the behavior of leader lines in Callouts and Text Boxes is improved and will now automatically adjust to prevent overlap when the shapes of those markups are changed.
A really cool new feature is that Revu 201. now displays real-time measurement values in a small tooltip-style table in the lower-right corner of the drawing as you place measurements. I think this will also be a useful tool for simply doing quick measurements in real time in Studio Sessions.
For all users, Revu 20.1 now allows PDFs generated using the Batch PDF function in the Word plugin to now automatically generate bookmarks based on names of files in the batch.
For AutoCAD users, Bookmark configurations can be saved in the ACAD plugin as well. There is also added support for SolidWorks 2021.
There are also a number of fixes based on feedback from users.
If you are on Revu Subscriptions then I’d encourage you to install the update. If you are still on 2019 and on subscriptions then check here to see if you are eligible to upgrade which will allow you to install and activate the latest version –
Have fun 😉