Autodesk Vault FAQ

There are many common questions asked while planning a deployment of Autodesk Vault.  Here are a few of them.

Q. How do Vault clients communicate with the Vault server?
A. Vault clients communicate to Vault servers using HTTP protocol by default.  It can also be configured to use the HTTPS protocol.

Q. Which ports are used for communications between the Vault clients and Vault server?
A. Port 80, by default, for HTTP. Port 443, by default for HTTPS. These ports can be customized to meet the environment needs.

Q. What are the firewall limitations or requirements?
A. The port configured on the server must be open in the firewall for communication with the Vault server
Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access
Configure a Windows Firewall for Database Engine Access
How to: Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port (SQL Server Configuration Manager)

Q. Which ports are used for communications between the Vault server to SQL server?
A. Port 1434 is the SQL Browser port that is queried to find out what port the AutodeskVault SQL instance is running on by the Vault server.  Default, un-named, SQL instances run on Port 1433. Named SQL instances, AutodeskVault, is configured to run on a dynamic port during installation by SQL. Most often this port does not change once set but it is dynamic so that it could change.  You can find out what port the SQL AutodeskVault instance is running on by using the SQL Configuration Manager.

Q. What accounts are used by the Vault server?
A. Here are the following accounts created by the Vault server

  • AutodeskVault (Impersonation Account)
    • Local account by default
    • ReadsWrites to the file store
    • Readswrites to Vault configuration files
    • All Vault web services run under this account
  • Vaultsys (SQL Account)
    • Is the Vault DB owner
    • Used for administrative purposes
      • Backup/Restore
    • Used to create Vault related databases
  • ADMS-servername (SQL Account)
    • All ADMS operations use this account
      • Get File/Folder lists
      • Check-out (, etc.)
  • ReplicationUser – Name is created by user
    • A Windows user account (typically created in Active Directory before installation of Vault) that accesses the replication snapshot share
    • Has a log into SQL to handle replication tasks
  • Commands requiring SA or equivalent account
    • Backup/Restore
    • Migration
    • B2b migration (after hot fixes and service pack installations)
    • Rebuild Search Indexes
    • Import Library
    • Attach Library
    • Detach Library
    • Rename a Server

Q. Does Vault support IPv4 and IPv6?
A. Yes, Vault supports both

Source –  Vault FAQ

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